Some of the most at-risk road users on Dallas roadways are motorcycle riders. When a motorcycle accident occurs, the chances of the rider suffering a severe head injury are very high compared to, for example, passengers in vehicles.
With the high rate of motorcycle accidents across the country, it is important to know what type of head injuries occur in such situations.
The consequences of suffering even a mild traumatic brain injury are important considerations that every motorcycle rider has to make.
In the event of suffering a head injury in a motorcycle accident caused by someone else's negligence, Texas laws allow victims to sue for compensation from the liable parties.
Considering the negative impact of suffering a severe brain injury, victims can walk away with huge settlement offers.
Sadly, in the aftermath of a motorcycle crash, bike riders are usually blamed even when they are not at fault. This often makes it difficult for motorcycle accident victims to receive the compensation they deserve.
However, Schuerger Shunnarah Trial Attorneys is here to fight for the rights of victims who have suffered brain injuries in motorcycle accidents. Call +1 214-253-4639 to schedule a free consultation today. They can also help with questions like Can you get PTSD from a motorcycle accident?

Important Statistics on Motorcycle Accidents
Many people are afraid of getting on a motorcycle in Dallas, TX. This is understandable when considering that more than 80% of motorcycle accident victims suffer a serious injury or lose their lives.
In many cases, riders are lucky to walk away with back injuries, burns, broken bones, or road rash. However, others end up suffering a serious traumatic brain injury, which has the potential to make the rest of their lives very difficult.
To highlight the seriousness of head injuries in motorcycle accidents, here are some important statistics to consider:
Motorcycle accidents are responsible for up to 25% of head injury-related hospitalizations.
17% of all motorcycle accidents result in a brain injury.
Motorcycle riders account for 3% of registered road users, but result in 14% of traffic accident fatalities.
Head injuries from motorcycle accidents account for 37% of all fatal motorcycle crashes.
Out of 100,000 motorcycle riders, about 975 are involved in accidents every year.
About 4,500 people die in motorcycle accidents in the US each year.
What Is the Most Common Motorcycle Head Injury? - Traumatic Brain Injury
Suffering a motorcycle accident brain injury is the most common outcome of being involved in such a collision.
While wearing a helmet provides some protection for motorcycle riders, the severity of such accidents is usually too much for the helmet to withstand, and head injuries occur regardless.
Unlike many other types of injuries that motorcyclists can suffer, brain injuries can be life-changing. In severe cases, complete recovery is not possible, meaning those lucky enough to survive will have to live with limitations and disabilities for the rest of their lives.
However, not all head injuries resulting from a motorcycle accident are the same. Many factors play a part in determining how serious the brain injury in a motorcycle accident will be, such as the speed of the motorcycle and whether or not the rider was wearing a helmet.
The following are five types of brain injuries that motorcycle accident victims are likely to suffer:
One of the most common injuries that affect the brain is a contusion. It usually appears in the form of bruising or discoloration on the affected part of the head. A contusion is caused by blood vessels within the brain tissue getting damaged due to a severe impact.
The severity of a contusion depends on the level of impact energy and its location on the motorcyclist's head.
In severe cases, it may require surgical intervention so that doctors can relieve the pressure on the affected areas.
A concussion is a very common type of mild traumatic brain injury (mild TBI). This type of head injury occurs inside the skull when the brain is suddenly jolted as a result of sudden movement or impact.
Most concussions can heal if the victims allow themselves proper time to rest. However, the more severe cases of concussions are considered very serious head injuries that can cause long-term effects.
Diffuse Axonal Injury (DAI)
The brain consists of widespread nerve tissue, called axons. Rapid acceleration and deceleration during a motorcycle accident can cause serious damage to these nerve fibers, which results in diffuse axonal injury (DAI).
The result of this type of injury is that the brain cells will lose their ability to communicate with each other, which can cause severe cognitive deficits and functional impairment.
In its mild forms, DAI can result in the victim losing consciousness, but in severe TBI cases, falling into a coma is a possibility.
Coup-contrecoup Injury
The whiplash motion that often accompanies a motorcycle accident can cause the brain to impact the inside of the skull at the point of the collision and then subsequently impact the opposite side when the head is thrown back.
When this happens, such a head injury is called a coup-countercoup injury. Since this type of injury can affect multiple parts of the brain, the resulting symptoms are varied and often difficult to predict. Such head injuries can result in mild impairment or serious head trauma.
Penetrating Injury
Severe head collisions can cause foreign pieces of the helmet, motorcycle, other vehicles, or the environment to be forced through the rider's skull. These types of skull fractures can very easily become fatal injuries due to the blunt force trauma that the brain experiences.
Even in cases where the skull fracture does not lead to death immediately, there is a high chance of the victim developing a serious infection, hemorrhage, or other types of complicated brain injuries.
Diagnosis and Treatment Options for Head Injuries
Regardless of the apparent severity of the head injuries suffered by the victim, they need to seek immediate medical attention. One thing that traumatic brain injuries and spinal cord injuries have in common is that the symptoms are difficult to predict or understand.
In many cases, victims who have suffered serious brain injuries in motor vehicle accidents remain unaware that they have been injured. When symptoms do occur, they are usually one or more of the following:
Loss of consciousness
Memory loss
Fatigue or lethargy
Irritability and emotional outbursts
Visual disturbances
Disruption of normal sleep patterns
Inability to concentrate
Properly diagnosing traumatic brain injury often requires experienced medical professionals and the use of specialized medical equipment and techniques, such as:
Computed Tomography (CT) scans
Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)
Mild cases of head injuries can be treated with the use of painkillers while the victim is given enough time to rest.
However, in severe cases, such as when serious diffuse axonal injuries occur, doctors may have to resort to surgical intervention, medically induced comas, or drug therapy.
Causes and Prevention of Brain Injuries in Motorcycle Accidents
Serious head injuries in motorcycle accidents are caused by blunt force trauma to the head that is severe enough to impact the brain tissue or penetrate the skull. Wearing motorcycle helmets is one of the best ways to protect victims in such traffic accidents.
However, even when wearing a helmet, the motorcycle accident victim still carries a high risk of suffering head injuries.
Besides the use of proper safety gear, permanent brain damage as a result of a motorcycle crash can be prevented by:
Reducing speed
Not riding while intoxicated
Paying attention when on the road
Obeying traffic laws
Giving way to traffic
Steps to Take After a Motorcycle Accident Brain Injury
Motorcycle accident victims need to know the right steps to take after being involved in a collision.
Such knowledge can save their lives and help them recover damages that they are entitled to. As such, victims should remember the following after a motorcycle accident:
Seek medical attention
Obtain a doctor's report
Gather evidence, such as pictures and receipts of all medical expenses
Contact an experienced motorcycle accident attorney

Compensation for Traumatic Brain Injuries
Due to the severity of closed head injuries, skull fractures, diffuse axonal injuries, and serious concussions, motorcycle accident victims can receive huge settlement offers to cover the following damages:
Medical expenses
Lost wages
Property damage
Wrongful death
Loss of consortium
Funeral and burial costs
Pain and suffering
Some of these damages are easy to determine using receipts and employment letters. Others, such as pain and suffering, require experienced Dallas motorcycle accident lawyers to highlight the extent of the brain injury in a motorcycle accident and convince the jury that the victim deserves maximum compensation.
How Can Schuerger Shunnarah Trial Attorneys Help?
To receive the compensation they deserve, victims of motorcycle accidents will need a good lawyer by their side to help determine fault, provide legal counsel, and fight for their rights in court. They can also answer questions such as What are the different types of motorcycle accidents?
One of the top-rated motorcycle accident law firms in Dallas is Schuerger Shunnarah Trial Attorneys.
With a solid reputation throughout Texas for going to war for the rights of its victims, this is the law firm that victims turn to when they want to seek justice and fair compensation.